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The Orange Lab is looking for children in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade to participate in a Children's Book Zoom study!


Complete the registration below to be contacted about the study and to be scheduled for your Zoom sessions. 








Common Questions Q&A

Q: How many Zoom study sessions are there and how long are the sessions?

A: ONLY 2 Sessions! Each session will be between 15-20 minutes.

Q: Do we get anything for participating?

A: After completing the study, every family will get a FREE Orange Lab drawstring bag and entered into a monthly drawing for a $50 gift card to either Target, Amazon, or Starbucks!

Q: When is the schedule for the Zoom study sessions?

A: We will work with your schedule so the day/times will be when it is MOST CONVENIENT for you and you child! Both Zooms will be within the same week (2 days apart).


Q: What is the study about?

A: We are interested in how children learn. We will ask you and your child some general questions about learning and you will read to your child two short stories! Both sessions are meant to be fun, short, and engaging :)


Q: What happens after I sign up?

A: We will contact you within 24-72 hrs to schedule your Zoom sessions!


Q: If I sign-up do I have to complete the study?
A: No, you may change your mind at any time! 





Have General Questions? Please contact us:

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